www.bighumidor.com, the hottest cigar shop on the Internet with the best service bar none! We personally invite you take a look at our cigar store, where we've assembled a pretty decent assortment of some of the finest and most sought after cigars in the world. Choose from cigars by My Father, Don Pepin, Leaf, Oscar Validares, Foundation Cigar, CaldwellDon Diego, Java, La Aurora, Montecristo, Oliva, Perdomo Habana, Perdomo Reserve, Playboy, Private Stock, Nub Cigars, Sosa, Romeo y Julieta, Rocky Patel, Gurka, Partagas, Punch, Padron, Padron Anniversario,Macanudo, Arturo Fuente, Fuente Hemmingway, Drew Estate Acid, Ashton, Avo, H. Upmann, CAO, C.A.O. Gold, Camacho, Excalibur, La Gloria Cubana and more cigars, cigars, cigars, cigars, and more cigars!!
Get the best pricing on all your favorite cigars by ordering through our secure shopping system. Orders placed online are processed first, are secure and provide you with a receipt before the order ships. If you have any questions, or want to know if we carry a particular cigar that hasn't made it to the online version of our store yet, just drop us a line at cigars@bighumidor.com or if you need to talk to us..call us at (800)464-5377. We attempt and usually succeed in having all cigars listed in stock and the website will show if the item is out of stock. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy the cigars, cigars, cigars and more cigars and stop back often! We truly are Cigars For Less. 
PLEASE NOTE: UPS requires tobacco shipments be sent ADULT SIGNATURE REQUIRED. If you are not going to be home to sign for your package, Please request USPS or SUREPOST under Comments.
Easy Online Cigar Shopping!
(You must be at least 21 to purchase cigars)

Orders placed online are processed first, are secure and provide you with a receipt before the order ships. If you have any questions, or want to know if we carry a particular cigar that hasn't made it to the online version of our store yet, just drop us a line at cigars@bighumidor.com or if you need to talk to us, call us at (800)464-5377.

We attempt and usually succeed in having all cigars listed in stock and the website will show if the item is out of stock. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy the cigars, cigars, cigars and more cigars and stop back often! We truly are Cigars For Less.

If you haven't ordered before and want to get on our e-mail specials every 7 days, simply e-mail our subscription address at: subscribers@bighumidor.com and put subscribe in the subject line and we will get you on the list.